APR 2012
Cancer du col et de l'endomètre
- Review of litterature and ABS / GEC-ESTRO recommendations
- Understand recommendations for endocavitary brachytherapy for cervical and endometrial cancers.
- Discuss implementation of a quality control program for HDR endocavitary brachytherapy for cervical and endometrial cancers.
- Discuss the importance of Image guided implants and 3-D image dosimetry.
- Review the method of implant, doses, fractionations and imaging systems used in Québec in view of a consensus.
Scientific Director
- Marjory Jolicoeur, MD
Scientific committee
- Dr François Vincent
- Dr. Marie-Lynn Racine
- Dr. Thu Van Nguyen
- Mme Maryse Mondat
- Dr. Talar Derashodian
- Mme Sandrine David
- Dr. Marjory Jolicoeur
- Maryse Mondat, Physicienne
- Marie Lynn Racine, MD
- Marie Claude Beauchemin, MD
- François Vincent, MD
- Boris Bahoric, MD
- Isabelle Germain, MD
- Sandrine David, Physicienne
- Melanie Gionet, MD
- Thu Van Nguyen, MD
- Marjory Jolicoeur, MD
- Radiation oncologists / brachytherapists
- Physicists working in brachytherapy
Required materials