OCT - NOV 2014
Prostate cancer Forum
This year Curietherapies and GROUQ joined forces to gather you in a discussion about prostate cancer with the objectives to:
- Review prostate cancer treatment options
- Discuss systemic treatments for prostate cancer
- Provide an overview of brachytherapy options for prostate cancer
- Explain patient selection/indications for LDR or HDR brachytherapy.
- Focus on the role of imaging specifically MRI based Implants and dosimetry for prostate cancer
Scientific Director
- Marjory Jolicoeur, MD
- Tamim Niazi, MD
Scientific committee
- Talar Derashodian, MD
- Maryse Mondat, Physicienne médical
- Melanie Gionet, MD
- Tamim Niazi, MD
- Marjory Jolicoeur, MD
- Thu Van Nguyen, MD
- François Vincent, MD
- Alvaro Martinez, MD
- Peter Hoskin, MD
- Marjory Jolicoeur, MD
- François Bénard, MD
- Talar Derashodian, MD
- George Wakil, MD
- Christopher Sweeney, MD
- Juanita Crook, MD
- Gerard Morton, MD
- James Morris, MD
- Josephine Chen, Physicienne médical
- Maryse Mondat, Physicienne médical
- Andrew Loblaw, MD
- Anil Kapoor, MD
- Guyla Delouya, MD
- Tamim Niazi, MD
- François Vincent, MD
- Eric Vigneault, MD
- Elie Antebi, MD
- Maroie Barkati, MD
- Marie Claude Beauchemin, MD
- Danny Duplan, MD
- Andrée Jutras, Technologue
- Marie-Hélène Bertrand, Infirmiere
- Renée Xavière Larouche, Physicienne médical
- Fred Saad, MD
- André-Guy Martin, MD
- Marie-Claude Gauvin, Technologue
- Fabio Cury, MD
- Abdenour Nabid, MD
- Vincent Pelsser, MD
- Radiation Oncologists / Brachytherapists
- Medical oncologists
- Physicists involved in brachytherapy
- Therapists involved in brachytherapy
- Nurses involved in brachytherapy and patient cancer care
- Residents in radiation oncology
The organizing committee has asked for the following accreditation :
- University of Sherbrooke
October 31 and November 1 2014
Club Saint-James
1145 avenue Union
Montréal (Québec)
Housing is at your own expense. Some rooms are protected at Hôtel le Crystal (deadline October 21)
Social Event
A dinner is planned on Friday evening. More information will be made available soon.
Friday October 31th and Saturday November 1st 7:00. Please bring your confirmation letter
Material required
Please bring with you, either:
- Laptop ( mandatory for the contouring session)
- iPad
- Smartphone
Required materials